Building Your In-House Team: Find the Right Talent and Avoid Hiring Mistakes

One of the biggest challenges in growing a successful business is finding the right talent. When you’ve got a strong team, it’s like having a secret weapon – they ignite creativity, boost productivity, and bring next-level innovation. When everyone’s firing on all cylinders, employee morale skyrockets, retention improves, and your team is at the top of its game!

But here’s the kicker: McKinsey reports that less than 30% of companies feel like they’re actually nailing it when it comes to hiring. Yep, less than a third! While the value of great talent is crystal clear, finding and retaining those rockstars is no easy task.

To put things in perspective, the former CEO of Zappos estimated that bad hires cost his company over $100 million – a staggering figure! We’ve all heard the numbers: a bad hire can cost anywhere from 30% to 150% of the employee’s salary, with some studies saying it can go as high as 6 to 24 times their salary depending on the role. It’s a huge hit for any business, which is why having a solid resourcing and recruitment strategy is so important.

The Importance of Flexibility for In-House Teams

This is especially crucial for in-house teams. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s nearly impossible for a typical in-house team to cover every skill needed. The solution? Bring in external partners or specialized talent to fill those gaps. This frees up your core team to focus on high-impact projects, while flex teams handle the rest. But it also means that your core team needs to be more agile, digitally savvy, and performance-driven than ever before. Creative leaders need to strike a balance – keeping their teams inspired while ensuring business growth remains the priority.

Mapping Out Resource Needs

So, how do you find the right talent to support your in-house team? Start by mapping out your long-term resource needs. Once you know where your internal teams can make the biggest impact, it’s much easier to figure out what roles to prioritize and which ones will truly move the needle.

The Power of a Flexible Workforce

In-house teams are often built around a core group – Art Directors, Designers, Copywriters, Producers, etc.- who form the foundation to meet business and brand needs. Alongside this core, flexible and specialized talent steps in to provide support when needed. The exact mix will depend on your team’s vision and leadership style. Whether you’re building a lean, agile team or expanding with new expertise, it’s all about finding the right people to bring your vision to life.

Flexibility is key. Testing out how flexible roles and specialized skills impact your team dynamics can help you scale more effectively. Contractors or temporary employees allow you to experiment before fully committing, letting you find standout hires that can grow your team in the long run. And don’t be afraid to think outside the box – consider talent from different backgrounds for fresh perspectives.

Look Beyond the Obvious for Talent

Take On, the fast-growing sporting goods brand, as an example. Ilmarin Heitz, Senior Director of Innovation, lives by a simple yet powerful philosophy: “look where you would least expect it.” He believes that drawing inspiration from diverse and unexpected sources is key to driving innovation. While his philosophy applies to design, it works for talent, too. Bringing in people with diverse backgrounds can inject fresh energy and new ideas into your team! Sure, experience in your field is valuable, but a fresh perspective could be the game-changer your team needs. The key is understanding what makes your top performers excel and seeking out candidates with those same qualities – even if they lack direct experience in your vertical.

Why Bad Hires Happen and How to Avoid Them

It’s also good to remember why we sometimes make less-than-ideal hires. It usually boils down to things like unclear job descriptions, ineffective interview methods, skipping background checks, or simply rushing the process. We’ve all been there – posting a job on LinkedIn and then sorting through hundreds of responses. Not exactly the way to find the perfect fit, right? This often leads to settling for candidates who aren’t quite right.

To avoid this, try adding assessments to the hiring process that test critical thinking, along with both qualitative and quantitative skills. Seek out candidates who are passionate about continuous learning and can easily adapt to changing roles. And always, always check references and do thorough background checks!

The Value of a Fractional Approach

A fractional approach can be another smart move. Bringing someone on part-time or temporarily lets you test the waters before committing to a full-time hire.

Don’t forget to expand your recruitment efforts. Use diverse platforms, and consider partnering with organizations that promote diversity. If it’s within reach, invest in young talent by working with educational institutions and hiring interns who have the potential to grow into full-time team members.

Competing as a Smaller In-House Team

If you’re a smaller in-house team competing with larger organizations, use that to your advantage! Offer greater flexibility, variety in roles, and give your team a voice. Top performers want to be part of decision-making, feel heard, and know they’re making a meaningful impact.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

We’ve all felt the effects of a mediocre hire and how it can drag down team productivity and morale. Yet, somehow, we often find ourselves stuck in the same cycle. With a bit of forward-thinking when it comes to resource planning and exploring flexible solutions, we can avoid these headaches and give ourselves the time to find those unicorn hires we all love.

Reach Out for Support

If this feels like something you could use a hand with, feel free to reach out. We’re always here and happy to help!