Sandy Hot Take: No, You’re Not Crazy… Your Values May Be Changing!

There’s a Yiddish word, “shvach” which means to feel “weak, listless, enervated, slightly nauseated.” Without knowing the word, thousands and thousands of people are feeling shvach every day about the jobs and careers they used to love before the pandemic. Where once they felt excited and energized, now there are entire sections of the workforce …

Sandy x Freelance Founders: Portfoli-WHOA Freelance Portfolio Workshop

Recently our Chief Brand Officer, sat down with Freelance Founders to host a Portfolio workshop offering tips, tricks, and even personal reviews on current Freelancer’s portfolios. See the quick-takeaways highlighted below, along with the full recap video!   Attracting the right types of clients is subjective, but think about what’s right *for you*. Do you …

Freelance FTW

Last year, we saw a massive shift to freelance work – amid pandemic-induced layoffs and a whole cadre of people who decided that life was just too short to spend it in a mediocre job, freelancing has become irresistible to talent looking for more freedom, just as much as it has to clients looking for …