Negotiating Rates

Quick show of hands… when’s the last time you raised your rate? In a traditional 9-5, you have a pretty good idea of what your earning potential is. You can talk to your boss, reference your company’s salary bands, and do research on Glassdoor. For freelancers, figuring out what to charge is one of the …

Happiness at Work

Time and time again, we’ve learned that employees perform at their highest aptitude when they’re happy. In one study conducted by The Social Foundation back in 2015, participants were given “happiness shocks” – a fun 10-minute surprise that ranged from candy to a funny comedy video throughout the day. The subjects that received the happiness …

Portfolio Workshop

Recently our Chief Brand Officer, sat down with Freelance Founders to host a Portfolio workshop offering tips, tricks, and even personal reviews on current Freelancer’s portfolios. See the quick-takeaways highlighted below, along with the full recap video! Attracting the right types of clients is subjective, but think about what’s right *for you*. Do you want …

Hindsight is 20/20

Welp, we’ve made it to the one-year mark. 2020 will go down in the history books – a raging global pandemic, a massive economic recession, a worldwide reckoning of systemic racism and the urgency of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and a relentlessly exhausting U.S. election cycle. Through it all, how we work has come into sharp …